I went to the worst party of my life last night.
maaaaaaan, fuck people. seriously. I vote for the apocalypse STAT! ASAP!
I am sick of people who's lives revolve around partying, and around themselves (everbody is too self involved). Be able to communicate and not be selfish.
Also, fuck people who are selfish and thrive off drama. Leave your issues at home. If your problems weren't so trivial maybe i'd have a bit more compassion for you. But that's not the case, so fuck you. You're not special, you have no right to act the way you do and make everyone else's time miserable. When you're sincere and take the higher road for somebody else, without your own prosperity in mind, then I will call you special.
Attention all girls:
Have something of insight and substance to say, then maybe guys will treat you like more than something to just have sex with.
Intelligence is so attractive. There is more to life than music, fashion and partying. Open your minds, not your legs.
maaaaaaan, fuck people. seriously. I vote for the apocalypse STAT! ASAP!
I am sick of people who's lives revolve around partying, and around themselves (everbody is too self involved). Be able to communicate and not be selfish.
Also, fuck people who are selfish and thrive off drama. Leave your issues at home. If your problems weren't so trivial maybe i'd have a bit more compassion for you. But that's not the case, so fuck you. You're not special, you have no right to act the way you do and make everyone else's time miserable. When you're sincere and take the higher road for somebody else, without your own prosperity in mind, then I will call you special.
Attention all girls:
Have something of insight and substance to say, then maybe guys will treat you like more than something to just have sex with.
Intelligence is so attractive. There is more to life than music, fashion and partying. Open your minds, not your legs.
but for real, backgammon is the shit.
You wanna game?
I love intelligence
I hate fashion