all and all 2004 hasn't been too shabby... definitely more good than bad.
Top 10 of 2004
1. The birth of my niece. (DUH!)
2. Falling in love with Ian, my boyfriend. (seriously one of the best things to ever happen to me)
3. Discovering Taco Loco (mmm...mushroom tufo burgers)
4. Meeting and hanging out with tons of amazing people. (yes, that includes some of you on this site)
5. Breaking up with T.J. and finally realizing it was the best thing that could of happened.
6. Dance parties with myself. (WORD!)
7. Pouring beer in a bumble bee's eyes, mad ninja skills, and crucial sing-a-longs. (it was halloween).
8. All the ways my boyfriend and i found to torture eachother.
(dropping shoes on eachother. waxing his ass. dripping water on his face while he sleeps and watching him freak the fuck out. marker terrorism. fights to the death. ticklish spots. drool. dead arm. forehead hickies. leap frog. hipbone stabbing. elbow biting. feet harrassment. cold hands of death. stuffing me into a freezer at the gorcery store and then farting on me. rasberries. dildo sword fighting. etc. etc. etc.)
9. Sunday nights with my family and laughing till i can't breathe. (my family is seriously the best)
10. Seeing the people i love happy.
Top 10 of 2004
1. The birth of my niece. (DUH!)
2. Falling in love with Ian, my boyfriend. (seriously one of the best things to ever happen to me)
3. Discovering Taco Loco (mmm...mushroom tufo burgers)
4. Meeting and hanging out with tons of amazing people. (yes, that includes some of you on this site)
5. Breaking up with T.J. and finally realizing it was the best thing that could of happened.
6. Dance parties with myself. (WORD!)
7. Pouring beer in a bumble bee's eyes, mad ninja skills, and crucial sing-a-longs. (it was halloween).
8. All the ways my boyfriend and i found to torture eachother.
(dropping shoes on eachother. waxing his ass. dripping water on his face while he sleeps and watching him freak the fuck out. marker terrorism. fights to the death. ticklish spots. drool. dead arm. forehead hickies. leap frog. hipbone stabbing. elbow biting. feet harrassment. cold hands of death. stuffing me into a freezer at the gorcery store and then farting on me. rasberries. dildo sword fighting. etc. etc. etc.)
9. Sunday nights with my family and laughing till i can't breathe. (my family is seriously the best)
10. Seeing the people i love happy.
my top 10 sum it up in one, i am still fucking here !! have a good new year !!

Sounds like you had a great year, hope 05 is as good if not better for you and everyone else as well.