So it's barely 11 in the morning and already my day has gone horribly.
Some backround: Last night i had my History class. The teacher was a complete cock, and the course was waaaaay too demanding than it should have been for a GE course (weekly 3 page essays, 2 presentations, 7 pop quizzes, one 6 page essay, 3 essay exams) so i was like, FUCK THAT! and i stood up to leave.. and Professor Dickhead was all, "Where do you think you're going!?" and i was just like, "I'm going to drop this class because you're a douche bag."
So i went and registered for another History class that was MWF 8-8:50. So this class started at 8 this morning.. guess what time i fucking woke up? 7:53!!! (i live at least 15 minutes away from my school, and i usually like to get there at least a half an hour early for parking).
The second i open my eyes i knew i was late. Which is the worst fucking way to wake up, because you just jump out of bed in a panic, there's no traditional period... and the transitional period is fucking CRUCIAL!!!
Within 2 minutes i was out the door headed to school (forgetting some pieces of clothing, i.e. a bra, socks, a belt, etc..) I also didn't even get to take my morning piss.
And i also had an imprint of my pillow on the side of my face... and my hair was doing some weird Robert Smith kinda thing.
Needless to say everything went down hill from there.
- I couldn't find parking.
- I forgot to write down where my class was. I knew it was in the Humanities Building room 120-something. So i just started going into random classrooms.. total trail and error. One class i went into the Professor asked, "are you a first year?"... and i sadly responded, "nooo, i'm a second year, i'm just half retarded."
- Missed half the lecture of a class that i have already missed 2 days in.
- Went to return the book i got for my previous history class. Forgot the receipt at home so i couldn't do it.
- spent $173.92 buying new books.
- almost got ran over by some psycho in the parking lot.
- forgot i was suppose to meet a friend after class, got a hate message from him on my voice mail.
- Stepped in gum.
...and i just barely got the time to pee a few minutes ago. It was glorious.
Some backround: Last night i had my History class. The teacher was a complete cock, and the course was waaaaay too demanding than it should have been for a GE course (weekly 3 page essays, 2 presentations, 7 pop quizzes, one 6 page essay, 3 essay exams) so i was like, FUCK THAT! and i stood up to leave.. and Professor Dickhead was all, "Where do you think you're going!?" and i was just like, "I'm going to drop this class because you're a douche bag."
So i went and registered for another History class that was MWF 8-8:50. So this class started at 8 this morning.. guess what time i fucking woke up? 7:53!!! (i live at least 15 minutes away from my school, and i usually like to get there at least a half an hour early for parking).
The second i open my eyes i knew i was late. Which is the worst fucking way to wake up, because you just jump out of bed in a panic, there's no traditional period... and the transitional period is fucking CRUCIAL!!!
Within 2 minutes i was out the door headed to school (forgetting some pieces of clothing, i.e. a bra, socks, a belt, etc..) I also didn't even get to take my morning piss.
Needless to say everything went down hill from there.
- I couldn't find parking.
- I forgot to write down where my class was. I knew it was in the Humanities Building room 120-something. So i just started going into random classrooms.. total trail and error. One class i went into the Professor asked, "are you a first year?"... and i sadly responded, "nooo, i'm a second year, i'm just half retarded."
- Missed half the lecture of a class that i have already missed 2 days in.
- Went to return the book i got for my previous history class. Forgot the receipt at home so i couldn't do it.
- spent $173.92 buying new books.
- almost got ran over by some psycho in the parking lot.
- forgot i was suppose to meet a friend after class, got a hate message from him on my voice mail.
- Stepped in gum.
...and i just barely got the time to pee a few minutes ago. It was glorious.
i think i'm taking this semester off.