So i apologize for getting all psycho in the last post. I'm over it. Well... not over it completely. But i'm not all hysterical about it anymore. I like to get that part out of the way quick. And i definitely am not one to dwell in my own shit. Now i'm just a little bitter; bitter and bruised. and i keep laughin about it for some reason. I dont know.. perhaps i'm crazy.
fate pinned a note next to my hopes today.
it read the following:
Dear Nadia,
Everything happens for a reason. And one day you'll find exactly what your looking for. i promise. If not, i wont be angry if you stop believing in me.
sincerely yours.
(on the other side my metabolism also left me a note.
it read the following:
I quit. You have gained five pounds fatty,
Time to give up eating motha'fucka!
your Metabolism)
Piece of shit!
fate pinned a note next to my hopes today.
it read the following:
Dear Nadia,
Everything happens for a reason. And one day you'll find exactly what your looking for. i promise. If not, i wont be angry if you stop believing in me.
sincerely yours.
(on the other side my metabolism also left me a note.
it read the following:
I quit. You have gained five pounds fatty,
Time to give up eating motha'fucka!
your Metabolism)
Piece of shit!
haha.. that's awesome
Hey, i tried to IM you. What happened?