well that completely sucks, i just wrote this long journal entry, and then my computer goes off line and i dont realise and i loose the whole darnthing makes me mad i tell ya real mad, all that wasted time. i thought id write an entry as i don't normally do this kind of thing now i have to rewrite it and like hell i can be bothered remembering all that i wrote. ummn lets see first i was all exited, suicide girls membership for only $30 for the entire year! I was like wow i can afford it again and maybe thistime i would actually fill out the profile post some photos and write in the journal. then i was all reminisant about my old roomie caitie. she went a bit crazy started hearing voices and wanted to commit herself to a psych word, instead she moved out and we get a new rrommate sambo tommorow. then i was teeling ya'll all about my 21st plans the Masqerade S&M themed night, the one thing im really looking forward to and how like if you dont wear a mask your going to get punished .. well thats just a brief outline of the first entry that my computer ate hope to do it all again soon hopefully not twice next time byess,
so where abouts in aus are you??
i also have a bad addiction to neighbours but am far too pretentious to put it in my favourites.
isn't doctor karl in some shit?
have a bitchin 21st