i wanna dance...
weird huh
not like fancy pance dance
but silly stupid drunken 2am dancing
where you flail about like a silly head
having fun just being stupid
i cant sleep
its only 9 but ive been up since 5am
ive been in bed for an hour
i just wanna sleep
i was getting the droopy tired head thismorning i only had 4 hours
i learn about ect(electro convulsive therapy) tomorrow
and get to watch next week
psych ward is boring i dont do much
but its still a nice place
weird huh
not like fancy pance dance
but silly stupid drunken 2am dancing
where you flail about like a silly head
having fun just being stupid
i cant sleep
its only 9 but ive been up since 5am
ive been in bed for an hour
i just wanna sleep
i was getting the droopy tired head thismorning i only had 4 hours

i learn about ect(electro convulsive therapy) tomorrow
and get to watch next week
psych ward is boring i dont do much
but its still a nice place