So on friday night a threw a surprise party for one of my closest friends. i am now certified as being a wonderful amzing person
night was great cept that it ended with police cars and ambulance and a very drunk unconcious man and a histerical wife.( who i swear if i had let go of would of tried to attack the bouncer)
so the story ...
we were out at carnagies and mark (unconcious man) got asked to leave. he was noticable drunk , however he had stopped drinking about an hour before hand , he wasnt causing trouble or harrasing people or being rude or obnoxious the only person he was giving crap to was with me and it was all a lil joke .
cut to
Me - "Why'd they ask you to leave"?
Him - "i dont know"?
Me - "You must of said or done something"?
HIm - "i didnt do anything i swear,"
Me - "Really are you sure"?
HIm - "YES!!!"
a few minutes later me out side on a bench consoaling really trashed friend who was in tears,
a fight breaks out, at he front of the venue
Me - "do we know them!"
crying boy - "Naaa couldnt be"
histeriacal screams "Just let him go he hasnt done anything"
Me "shit its mishelle what the fuck!"
run over michelle is being restrained on the ground by someguy her husband is lying on the floor with one bouncer restraing him another leaning over him her sister is outside as well to one side screaming and wailing, michelle is Histerocical screaming and trying to get waay from this guy who has her pinned down. i run over and grab her of of this guy she continues to sctream and throw herself around yelling abuse at he bouncers, at this point im glad shes so skinny if she were a big girl i wouldnt of held her back, i swear if i had let her go she waould have gone to attack one of the bouncers and she waould of beeen taken to lock up aswell the police rrive mark has been unconcious for 20 mins ive been trying to hold michellle back for that long my roomie comes by a yell at him to get chantelle from inside somthing has happened and we need her now! the rest of the party inside had no idea what was happening outside! ambulance arrived mark was arrived police took statement from large amounts of people story told by bouncers asked to leave on his way out he went to hit the bouncer and was taken down, story from witnesses (not people we know), they were being escorted out when one of the bouncers made a crack about michelle along the lines of whats a women like you doing with him bouncer apperared to be dragging her along quite forcible(she has bruises) when mark went to hit hem then the bounces took him down one of them proceeded to hit him when he was down by kicking him in his head!
mark is ok we dont know if he will be charged with asult yet somthing dodgy as fuck was going on i didnt touch a drop of alcohol all night i was the only sober one and i reckon the bouncer was trying to pick a fight, there is no reason why they should have been asked to leave he wasnt acting abusive or agetaed yes he was intoxixated but no more than anyone else in the venue
complaints about the heavy treatment are being lodged
up until that point it was a wonderful night, however this little birthday fairy was able to wave her wand and make it better there were other places to go to and more alcohol for them to consume and soon they were all to intoxitaed to care about he events taht had unfolded
i however didnt have the luxury being the little miss sober it stuck in my head and the rest of the night was really such a downer , i was so glad to see my best when i got home the night was finally over .
So on friday night a threw a surprise party for one of my closest friends. i am now certified as being a wonderful amzing person

night was great cept that it ended with police cars and ambulance and a very drunk unconcious man and a histerical wife.( who i swear if i had let go of would of tried to attack the bouncer)
so the story ...
we were out at carnagies and mark (unconcious man) got asked to leave. he was noticable drunk , however he had stopped drinking about an hour before hand , he wasnt causing trouble or harrasing people or being rude or obnoxious the only person he was giving crap to was with me and it was all a lil joke .
cut to
Me - "Why'd they ask you to leave"?
Him - "i dont know"?
Me - "You must of said or done something"?
HIm - "i didnt do anything i swear,"
Me - "Really are you sure"?
HIm - "YES!!!"
a few minutes later me out side on a bench consoaling really trashed friend who was in tears,
a fight breaks out, at he front of the venue
Me - "do we know them!"
crying boy - "Naaa couldnt be"
histeriacal screams "Just let him go he hasnt done anything"
Me "shit its mishelle what the fuck!"
run over michelle is being restrained on the ground by someguy her husband is lying on the floor with one bouncer restraing him another leaning over him her sister is outside as well to one side screaming and wailing, michelle is Histerocical screaming and trying to get waay from this guy who has her pinned down. i run over and grab her of of this guy she continues to sctream and throw herself around yelling abuse at he bouncers, at this point im glad shes so skinny if she were a big girl i wouldnt of held her back, i swear if i had let her go she waould have gone to attack one of the bouncers and she waould of beeen taken to lock up aswell the police rrive mark has been unconcious for 20 mins ive been trying to hold michellle back for that long my roomie comes by a yell at him to get chantelle from inside somthing has happened and we need her now! the rest of the party inside had no idea what was happening outside! ambulance arrived mark was arrived police took statement from large amounts of people story told by bouncers asked to leave on his way out he went to hit the bouncer and was taken down, story from witnesses (not people we know), they were being escorted out when one of the bouncers made a crack about michelle along the lines of whats a women like you doing with him bouncer apperared to be dragging her along quite forcible(she has bruises) when mark went to hit hem then the bounces took him down one of them proceeded to hit him when he was down by kicking him in his head!
mark is ok we dont know if he will be charged with asult yet somthing dodgy as fuck was going on i didnt touch a drop of alcohol all night i was the only sober one and i reckon the bouncer was trying to pick a fight, there is no reason why they should have been asked to leave he wasnt acting abusive or agetaed yes he was intoxixated but no more than anyone else in the venue
complaints about the heavy treatment are being lodged
up until that point it was a wonderful night, however this little birthday fairy was able to wave her wand and make it better there were other places to go to and more alcohol for them to consume and soon they were all to intoxitaed to care about he events taht had unfolded
i however didnt have the luxury being the little miss sober it stuck in my head and the rest of the night was really such a downer , i was so glad to see my best when i got home the night was finally over .
Howdy kiddo.. What have i missed???