hello everyone out there in sg land
its been a pretty good week and as i said in my earlier post everything is coming up Nasdsy, so let me elaborate
Monday i had diner with my friend ben at the lovely Matsuri restaurant (oh how i love there agadashi tofu) and then headed to luna for there monday double wich hapened to be Capote and the Producers,
Tuesday I got a stupendous amazing fantasticalshock in the mail very unexpected i got accepted to nursing for second semester so im gonna be doing what i wanna be doing
I also headed to the movies again with the lovely chantelle and caitie and maz where we saw Walk the Line wich i thouroughly enjoyed before heading home and getting ready for the Burlesque show, managed to consume vast amounts of vodka before catching up with the wonderful missellie ampersand and also the fantastical stupendus miss Elichrusos after waiting in line for a rather long time consuming more vodka and catching up with many other sg perthies headed inside where after a chat with mr ryan the tour manager we were invited back stage to meet the amazing girls. What can i say AMAZING!!!!! Reagan was absolutly lovely so friendly and modest as well. Nixon was gorgous and so very talkative and friendly felt like such a drunken idiot crazed fan i swear i had this massive grin on my face for the next few hours. so i enjoyed the show got thoroughly covered in muck the cream was yummy though and got o hang out with the other perth sg members wich was great we need to do it more often i reckon
before i went home at 2 am and finally asleep by 3.30 to only be awoken at 6 to go to uni
Wednesday ick what o say so darn tired and hyped up after tuesday night and i had uni from 8-8 wich hurt and sucked however occasional boy drove me home and we sat back and cuddled and smooched in front of the tv for a few hours wich was a nice wasy to unwind
Friday out to dinner again! with ben and the lovely chantelle to a nice little italian restaurant in nedlands the food was awsome and i really enjoyed the company
sat/sun my lame attempts of study have failed after i have been sucked into the internet time after time so glad i have a study week next week to catch up
my roomies also gone away for 10 days so im going to miss him cooking my dinner now i have to fend for myself its not so bad but the food supplies are running precariously low and im broke like flat ass broke till thursday damn burlesque bleeding me dry! oh but it was worth it and now i sit at my computer after trying to read about the central nervous sytem and the funtions of the brain trying to distract myself cause i really dont want to study and i feel a lil lonely in my empty house with only my lil lucy to talk to
its been a pretty good week and as i said in my earlier post everything is coming up Nasdsy, so let me elaborate
Monday i had diner with my friend ben at the lovely Matsuri restaurant (oh how i love there agadashi tofu) and then headed to luna for there monday double wich hapened to be Capote and the Producers,
Tuesday I got a stupendous amazing fantasticalshock in the mail very unexpected i got accepted to nursing for second semester so im gonna be doing what i wanna be doing

before i went home at 2 am and finally asleep by 3.30 to only be awoken at 6 to go to uni
Wednesday ick what o say so darn tired and hyped up after tuesday night and i had uni from 8-8 wich hurt and sucked however occasional boy drove me home and we sat back and cuddled and smooched in front of the tv for a few hours wich was a nice wasy to unwind
Friday out to dinner again! with ben and the lovely chantelle to a nice little italian restaurant in nedlands the food was awsome and i really enjoyed the company
sat/sun my lame attempts of study have failed after i have been sucked into the internet time after time so glad i have a study week next week to catch up
my roomies also gone away for 10 days so im going to miss him cooking my dinner now i have to fend for myself its not so bad but the food supplies are running precariously low and im broke like flat ass broke till thursday damn burlesque bleeding me dry! oh but it was worth it and now i sit at my computer after trying to read about the central nervous sytem and the funtions of the brain trying to distract myself cause i really dont want to study and i feel a lil lonely in my empty house with only my lil lucy to talk to
Study, pshaw! Sleep is the true answer!