i think after next week i am going to definately be needing a holiday ive signed up for a 65 hour week. and its christmas wich means busy busy. i also have a day of squeezed in somehere whichis going to be filled up with sleeping cleaning and lavishing attention on lucy bell.
i figure save up enogh money and i can either have loads of spending money for sydney or put it away for the masquerade ball... or both.
i got roped into seeing my dad today my sister guilted me and it ment i got a ride home. he didnt seem quite so sad today and he has someone living with him wich was a surprise. he chastised me for not seeing him or calling him more often, told me he missed me and stuff. i would see him more if only it didnt make me so darned sad and depressed. i was also asked if i wanted to go to the gold coast in march for little sisters bday unfortunately that wont be possible. uni and all that plus no moola
my eye balls feel as if they will explode fall outta my skull oh sleep how i wish i could be wih you right now
Once the world has exploded,
the arcwelders come out to
reconstruct the obvious and
we are all left holding the
blur. life will always be a
sentimental way - but we
are not a fasion
Society will kill the child in
US all
- You've been a beautiful audience
so I just recieved some rather bad news . Jackie isnt moving in any more, her parents have black mailed her to move in with her little brother, well if i was offered a car aswell i would have done the same thing.
So now iam seeking 1 reliable, cleanish type person who doesnt mind cats and who can put up with my temprementalness, oddness, to move in with me
any one interested?
i figure save up enogh money and i can either have loads of spending money for sydney or put it away for the masquerade ball... or both.
i got roped into seeing my dad today my sister guilted me and it ment i got a ride home. he didnt seem quite so sad today and he has someone living with him wich was a surprise. he chastised me for not seeing him or calling him more often, told me he missed me and stuff. i would see him more if only it didnt make me so darned sad and depressed. i was also asked if i wanted to go to the gold coast in march for little sisters bday unfortunately that wont be possible. uni and all that plus no moola

my eye balls feel as if they will explode fall outta my skull oh sleep how i wish i could be wih you right now
Once the world has exploded,
the arcwelders come out to
reconstruct the obvious and
we are all left holding the
blur. life will always be a
sentimental way - but we
are not a fasion
Society will kill the child in
US all
- You've been a beautiful audience
so I just recieved some rather bad news . Jackie isnt moving in any more, her parents have black mailed her to move in with her little brother, well if i was offered a car aswell i would have done the same thing.
So now iam seeking 1 reliable, cleanish type person who doesnt mind cats and who can put up with my temprementalness, oddness, to move in with me
any one interested?
Save that money for the ball, princess ... you're so keen and I think the other Perth ppl may be looking to you for leadership!
Glad you liked my set ... kinda ... a bit odd having friends check me out, but hey ...
i thought my 55 hour week in charge of my kitchen (only cafe) was rough :S
bummer on the housemate thing