Thank you @juicyvonmary for nominating me for this cute little quiz.
πPick one, a comedy movie or a horror one?
Definitely a comedy.
π Dogs or cats?
I always had dogs when I was growing up but I like the independence that a cat will allow.
π Chatting or phone call?
Depends on who the person is and how much I have to say
π Cheat or be cheated on?
Neither! I wasn't raised that way and getting cheated on sucks!
π Chicken or beef?
Yes, I like a variety in my diet
π Coke or Pepsi?
π Exceptional strength or intelligence?
π Forgiveness or vengeance?
Forgiveness, I believe you reap what you sow. Karma's a bitch!
π Free health care or free education?
Health care
π Halloween or San Valentine's day?
I'm a lover.
π IOS or Android?
π Kill or be killed?
Why can't we all just live in peace?
π Meat or fish?
I love a good fish dinner every once in a while
π Monopoly or Chess?
It's been a long time since I played either one and I'm sure it would be a lot easier to remember how to play Monopoly
π Nike or Adidas?
Neither. Harley-Davidson
π Stripes or polka dot?
I'm so sexy in polka dots
π Summer or winter?
Summer so I can ride every day if I want to
π Texting or phone calls?
Usually texting
π Vanille or chocolate?
π Sweet or salty?
I would like to see @felicity @valee @msquinn @wicked @rare please complete this little questionnaire.