Hey SG land. Christmas is almost here, but for me it came early.
I have been gone on vacation for the past week and a half and got home today. I really don't think that I could have planned a more perfect ending to my vacation. I had put a hold on my mail while I was gone and went to the post office today to pick it up. I have been expecting a package from Brazil and every day when I checked the tracking number it showed that it was sitting in Sao Paulo. I was starting to get bummed out. To my extreme surprise, I received it at the post office today. I was absolutely ecstatic.
When I finally had the chance to open the box I was completely blown away by what I found inside. I don't think that it's any secret to a lot of people here that @felicity and I have a very special friendship. We share a deep bond that transcends the many miles that separate us. Today she actually brought tears to my eyes. I was so touched by these precious gifts that she had sent to me. A couple of the items got broken in transit, but it's nothing that a little super glue won't fix. I know that she doesn't have much money and that she has been spending a lot at the vet for her beautiful cats lately, which makes these gifts even more special, because I know that everything in this box comes from her heart, with love. There was also a hand written note expressing her love and appreciation for our friendship. I know that I am truly blessed to have met this absolutely amazing lady and will be forever grateful for having her in my life. I will always love her and she will forever be in my heart.
Just saying thank you doesn't seem like it even comes close to being enough. I wish that I could give you a huge hug so that you could feel how truly grateful I am.
From the very bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, for everything you say, everything you do and everything you are. My heart is perfect because you are inside @felicity.
You spoil me so much and are always so very good to me.
Amor e beijos my sweet lady.
A beautiful picture frame complete with a beautiful picture of her incredible smile.
A couple of signed photos.
Some of her favorite chocolates with little notes explaining what they are.
A wonderful Christmas wish.
A magical birthday wish. She knows how I love her pigtails. Her handwriting is so beautiful too.
A beautiful coffee mug to drink my beer from.
@penny @missy @lemon @yessybear @jacqueline