Hey SG land. I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. I'm doing my part and only going where I need to go and wearing a mask.
Two weeks ago I was headed to my friends place about 50 miles away when I noticed that the volt gauge in my truck was reading below 13 volts. I know that it should be higher than that so I turned around after 13 miles or so and went to have my alternator tested. It was actually overcharging my battery so I had it replaced. I took it to my friends car lot and had a new one installed for $100 total for helping him move some cars to another lot. It was a pretty good deal considering that his cost for the alternator was $90. Then this morning I started my truck to go to work and everything on the dash was going crazy. The gauge back lighting was flickering, the battery warning light was on and the volt gauge was fluctuating over half a volt. It was nuts. I turned the truck off and brought my lunch back inside, I figured I probably wasn't going to make it to work. When I got back in the truck the battery warning light was glowing and I didn't even have the key in the ignition. I can do anything that needs to be done on my motorcycle and do some light maintenance on my truck but this was over my head. I took it to the dealership and showed the video to the service writer and gave him a brief history. I suggested that it might have something to do with all of the rain we had gotten over night and this morning as we hadn't had any rain for quite awhile. I always want as much info as I can have when trying to diagnose a problem at work. I got a call from the service writer tonight about 10 minutes before they closed. He explained what tests they ran and told me the tech working on it noticed some warning lights glowing as well without the key even in the ignition. It turns out there is an internal short in the instrument cluster. He said parts and labor would be $710 and it should be ready Thursday afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they get the part on time. I know how badly shipping is lately. It's supposed to be raining tomorrow as well but luckily one of my friends from work lives at my apartment complex and is giving my a ride tomorrow. Thursday is my day off so I don't have to worry about that. It's not supposed to be raining either so I can hop on the bike and go for breakfast like I usually do. I will post the video separately since I'm having a problem doing it here. Please check it out. Thanks!