Hi SG land. I hope that everyone is well and staying safe.
I was hanging out here today and doing a couple of things around my apartment. I began to really feel restless and decided I needed to escape for awhile. The sun was shining and the temperature was decent so I put on my jacket and headed out to the garage. I seriously needed some wind therapy. Here you see before and after pics of my ride. I am lucky enough that I only have to go 5 miles to be out in the county and find good roads to enjoy. I felt so much better when I returned home. Now I am enjoying a couple of beers and in a little bit I will fire up the grill and throw on some chicken for dinner. I hope that everyone out there has some kind of escape from this "life" that we are all enduring right now.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong. We will get through this alone, together. Peace. 😎✌