Going crazy these days. Up to my elbows in home improvement, though so far that means moving the mess from room to room. I'll finish painting my older daughter's bedroom today and that ought to be the first step to restoring order.
My ex finally completely wigged out and told me that she doesn't plan on seeing the kids anymore. On the surface this sucks. But, maybe they will be better off with the consistency that comes with no visits, rather than the on again / off again Mom they have been dealing with so far.
Early indications are that 2006 is going to be a real trip.
My ex finally completely wigged out and told me that she doesn't plan on seeing the kids anymore. On the surface this sucks. But, maybe they will be better off with the consistency that comes with no visits, rather than the on again / off again Mom they have been dealing with so far.
Early indications are that 2006 is going to be a real trip.