It's going to take a few moments to wipe this blog clean of its previous cruft. I'm not even sure what nonsense I'd written in this, but I am sure that I intend to expunge this blog of it -- time allowing.

Until then, this note may be enough, to the point. This blog restarts here.
Thanks for the comments on my "Revolution" & "Purple Explosion" sets! kiss

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Captain's Ale (Drink)

1 part Rum -- Captain Morgan Tattoo rum will blend well with the Barq's
1 to 2 parts Barq's Rootbeer.

Pour in the rum, then pour in the rootbeer. The pouring should serve to mix it up.

"Youse can takes it from there."
Dresden Dolls' lead singer, Amanda Palmer, can sound a lot like ole Morrissey.

I once knew a dude who seemed to want to look a lot like Morrissey. His Philippino (?) complexion notwithstanding.

Passing some time, midday.

Anyone ever heard of Tristan Tzara?
FYI, this is what some PERL code can look like -- and no I didn't write this, but I thought I could f*ing share this joy:

use strict;
use warnings;

require XML::Twig;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);

my $opt_replace;
# No &Getopt::Long::GetOptions as we need to distinguish '-i' and '-iext'.
while (@ARGV) {
last if $ARGV[0]!~/^-/;
local $_=shift @ARGV;
if ($_ eq "-h" || $_ eq...
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well. beyond the door is living my life, the way i want to/need to live it.
the key is currently in the hands of my parents.
the door is moving out, suppose.
which they won't let me do... even though i have the money and the place.
something about "not subsidizing failure."
Got the personal blogging aside, for today, it appears. Now, to start the work-week off or some shytte, just a brief rundown of some off-the-beat headlines.

From the CATO institute, frequently identified as a libertarian think-tank:
Paying More Than Ever For Gas? Not If Buying Power Is Considered, in summary excerpt:

Ask a free marketeer what government should do about rising gasoline...
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There is a fuel called inspiration. I am under an impression that it cannot be artificially produced. When it occurs, so might it be apparent, even when it would occur in subtle form.

A phrase occurs to my consideration, this afternoon. It is after consideration of such that I am wont to summarize. Though it does not exclusively center around one lady to SG,...
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