Desperation provides fertile grounds for religious extremism.
-- Megadeth, in Amerikhastan
I'll say it in spades, or straightaway out on the floor: Megadeth fucking rocks.
Their United Abominations album is a new addition to my local music library. It sure as fuck has been a good venture, to pick up that album. The album/package art is superb, and the music rocks it on overdrive.
Though it is actually the first album I've owned or either listened to, from Megadeth, but I'd be willing to wager something serious that it must be one of their strongest albums, if not "the one at the apex". It hits hard, without becoming a fucking loud bore. Maybe of some of the parties to that effect: The wise lyrics to the songs, and the fucking wise delivery; the rolling guitar -- it hits hard, not like a hammer going dead after the fall, but like a fucking M-1A1 Abrahms rolling across the mixing-board; the drum sequences, another part of Megadeth's mounted fucking cavalry.
(Hell, it can wear a person out, to write like that. It is fucking worth it, though.)
Hey, Jihad Joe? Guess what? We're coming to get you!
-- Megadeth, in Amerikhastan
Rough stuff? it's like some fucking reality, for some of us real fucking people. It's also some more of lyrics from Megadeth.
Right about now, I ain't up for sharing a damned thing personal. My workday, today, has fucking done that to me, it appears. Figuring-in the context of the job, probably it's fair enough.
Right about now, I'm fucking distracted, either -- downloading a driver update for using an ATI "All-in-Wonder" card on MS's Vista mux; the shit didn't come on the fucking driver CDs with the card. Why those bastards of Redmond cannot stick with one fucking version of their operating system, hell if I care.
Alright, round numero zwei of the Summary After Megadeth,: It kicks much ass for a band to make a fucking hard rock song after the UN, and to pull it off, without fucking villainizing or either demonizing the UN.
Within striking distance from Ground Zero sits a smoldering International cauldron, the "United Abominations", as it were.
Ambassadors from countries otherwise known as a catastrophe, enjoy diplomatic immunity living in Manhattan, while their children are turned into prostitutes.
-- Megadeth, in United Abominations
... said with that quality of lyrical delivery, where the listener might not be 100% sure if the narrator is really siding with the stated position. In my impression: There's at least 1% of possible-satire in Megadeth lyrics.
I'd bet that ambassador's kids would probably, actually be "pretty well taken care of" (so long as the ambassador would remain in political favor to the nation the one is charged to represent) -- one of the political-governmental "elite", an ambassador.
As for charges against the UN: Well, what the fuck. It really isn't a democratic body, except by way of the member nations' respective democracies (ehhh, those UN member nations that are democratically governed) selecting governments to their nations, governments which then proceed to select each one's ambassador to the UN. In other fucking words, it ain't a fucking democracy. It's like a governmental high-rollers caucus, supposed to serve as a body supportive of diplomatic resolutions to ... "issues". (Incidental note: From what I've heard of it, the "Security Council" is the organ to the UN, in which the relative most of political sway is executed.)
It fucking rocks, Dave Mustaine and the all of Megadeth bringing the fucking UN, and more of serious stuff, onto the rock-discourses table. Mustaine must be a doctor of politics, or some shytte.
Alright, I should stop this sort-of-review, sometime -- other shit to do, while I spend another night of minimal sleep. Peace out, people.