so i changed my profile pic
the time is right for a left wing rorshach to inhabit the city and root out the filth of right wing crap
we are sitting in the broth of destruction right now
the bill of right slowly eroding, with champions calling for the chair for it
so i have gone from the dark knight of vengence to purger of conspiracy
liberty not tyrany
and this is not a rant solely against bush, but amerika 2002
i am so scared i have thought about leaving...
phil oachs understood to well
right now hoover would be proud
spooky's post of safire's adticle really caused me to think
i need a mask and the dark...
the time is right for a left wing rorshach to inhabit the city and root out the filth of right wing crap
we are sitting in the broth of destruction right now
the bill of right slowly eroding, with champions calling for the chair for it
so i have gone from the dark knight of vengence to purger of conspiracy
liberty not tyrany
and this is not a rant solely against bush, but amerika 2002
i am so scared i have thought about leaving...
phil oachs understood to well
right now hoover would be proud
spooky's post of safire's adticle really caused me to think
i need a mask and the dark...
'republican or democrats/its all the same to me'
they serve big money and not people
i a sick of the onslaught of rights eroding in the name of national security, hell they have been ticking away since the founding fathers signed them into law
just a rant