i am: a school teacher, 99% vegan (would prefer 100% but sometimes you never know and perfection does not exist), a beer snob, a music snob, patient (though no idea how it developed), cynical's definition in the dictonary has my picture and sarcasm's says see cynical,
i enjoy: my cat, the fall: the best season ever, math problems that warp the brain, baseball -- as log as they use wooden bats, a true lefty politically speaking, someone that can not spell, user of stange profanity combos ie. shitfucker and shitza, winter squash, asparagus, reading, films not movies, critical theory, culture jamming, and i am sure much more
i am looking for: no one really. content where i am at, but was far to amused by the theme to let it be passed by on the shelf. current relationship is where its at, but to play along:
i would fancy a fe/male who could tolerate my love of my voice, my cavetching, someone who is idealitic but tempers it with reality, a world traveler, a veg head of course, a cat lover, will beat me at scrable every time (this just means you will play the game as i suck), etc, etc...
i enjoy: my cat, the fall: the best season ever, math problems that warp the brain, baseball -- as log as they use wooden bats, a true lefty politically speaking, someone that can not spell, user of stange profanity combos ie. shitfucker and shitza, winter squash, asparagus, reading, films not movies, critical theory, culture jamming, and i am sure much more
i am looking for: no one really. content where i am at, but was far to amused by the theme to let it be passed by on the shelf. current relationship is where its at, but to play along:
i would fancy a fe/male who could tolerate my love of my voice, my cavetching, someone who is idealitic but tempers it with reality, a world traveler, a veg head of course, a cat lover, will beat me at scrable every time (this just means you will play the game as i suck), etc, etc...
*poke poke*