that's the age i remember the best, one decade ago
every thursday, stright from school to the comic book store, for all the new releases.
i had a full time job then plus school
and wound up spending 3/4ths of my paycheck on comics
fridays were real bad days back then
i was ever so sleepy, i hardly got any sleep trying to read all the maddness from pages.
its sad but i would buy books some weeks that i had no desire to own, but would buy them just so that i could stay up till 2 or 3 reading...
that life seems so simple now
i never go to comic books stores
i never stay up so late reading new comics
i miss those old days
so i have started buying up huge lots of comics on ebay
falling asleep everynight to the sounds of superheros in my eyes
but is this nostaliga
am i just coping with the rigors of my life
batman always knew the answer for me before --
now it just seems to be a coustume
that's the age i remember the best, one decade ago
every thursday, stright from school to the comic book store, for all the new releases.
i had a full time job then plus school
and wound up spending 3/4ths of my paycheck on comics
fridays were real bad days back then
i was ever so sleepy, i hardly got any sleep trying to read all the maddness from pages.
its sad but i would buy books some weeks that i had no desire to own, but would buy them just so that i could stay up till 2 or 3 reading...
that life seems so simple now
i never go to comic books stores
i never stay up so late reading new comics
i miss those old days
so i have started buying up huge lots of comics on ebay
falling asleep everynight to the sounds of superheros in my eyes
but is this nostaliga
am i just coping with the rigors of my life
batman always knew the answer for me before --
now it just seems to be a coustume
you used the brimful of asha comment before i could, damn you. i was just thinking of me at 16 the other day, i'm glad i'm 26. i'm definitely more creatively active now than those lazy days of 16 y.o. nonchalantness. is that a word?