Lent started yesterday and I'm off to a good start. I had fruit for lunch and some fish and brocoli for dinner. I gave everything this year. Red meat, sweets, and what little alchol that I did drink. It's going to be hard but iI know what to expect and I know how to cope with it. It's all good in the end. I even bought some new running shoes so I can hit the trails and lose some weigh and get into shape. I might be going into a new venture soon. I just need to do alittle more reasearch and then I'll make up my mind. I.N.S. and the Border Partrol are hiring like mad right now and I know I can do it. I really would want to work with a dog because I know dogs pretty well. We shall see here in the next few months. Hope everyone is doing good. Take care.
AND i would LOVE to work for the border patrol. Its so interesting to me. I always watch the shows that they have on the Discovery channel about it. Love it. Good luck with that as well dear!