I found a job about a month ago, it's not the best one but I'll be paid, and I really need money to stay in Paris! People at work are nice, instead when they're speaking about policy . But everything's globaly right
I'm still with Luka and Zo for the moment, and even if it's sometimes hard to live with two girls in a...
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I'm still with Luka and Zo for the moment, and even if it's sometimes hard to live with two girls in a...
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Now I'm in Paris for about a month and an half...
I decided to change my life and manage it, really, make choice, the best for me...
For the moment I live with Zo and Luka... And everything's ok.
Luka and I would like to find a job and a sweet flat to live in with a friend of mine.
I got a job...
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I decided to change my life and manage it, really, make choice, the best for me...
For the moment I live with Zo and Luka... And everything's ok.
Luka and I would like to find a job and a sweet flat to live in with a friend of mine.
I got a job...
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C'est une faon de voir les choses 

arrf ouais j'ai fait ca de memoire et pour moi elle etait blonde... 

Long time no see uh?!
It's early here in France, I have not slept.
I'm tired but it's just impossible to go to bed.
I'm starting a new life. Far. In PARIIIIS.
Just something about last weeks :
+ I went in England. It was great. Really.
+ I drunk a lot. It's just usual for me.
+ I stopped smoking, A WEEK. A...
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Long time no see uh?!
It's early here in France, I have not slept.
I'm tired but it's just impossible to go to bed.
I'm starting a new life. Far. In PARIIIIS.
Just something about last weeks :
+ I went in England. It was great. Really.
+ I drunk a lot. It's just usual for me.
+ I stopped smoking, A WEEK. A...
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dommage pour cette fois ci mais on fait ca tous les mois
je te previendrai plus tot si ca te branches
c'est vrai que son rire est legendaire
tu la connais bien ?
je te previendrai plus tot si ca te branches
c'est vrai que son rire est legendaire

tu la connais bien ?
courage choukine, a va venir
faut que tu me racontes un peu, quoi de neuf tout a...

je pense a ta pente !!
bonne fin de mois !!

bonne fin de mois !!

Tu viens d'arriver, donc t'as le droit
Sympa la photo.
Et faudra attendre la prochaine updatepour celles avec valium !

Sympa la photo.
Et faudra attendre la prochaine updatepour celles avec valium !
bienvenue big loser.
It's great being here :]!
Thanks to a lovely friend that offered me this possibility
Hope members as nice as I heard about them, about the website ...
Thanks to a lovely friend that offered me this possibility

Hope members as nice as I heard about them, about the website ...
merci ^^

merci ^^

