long time since if posted oohh well im healing im at 50% whight now on my leg.. im doing very good in PT and im gaining strength in my leg .... what ive been up to obbessing on my car... heheh i dropped it a few weeks ago and done alot of proformance mods been chilling hangin out with my friends... drinkin too much coffee again... relaxin from my my past relationship... starting to get spring fever... but not really giving into inpluse and acting out and having any casual sex and i havnt met anybody really recently... anyways it's a long weekend thank gods people to hang with all weekeend... im starting to get lonely not workign sitting around alot and broke... i need a job... tho im limitied because of my leg... im trying to be postive it working for now.. ive been clean now allmost 8yrs on june 8th will be 8yrs it's been a rought yr too.. but ive made it thur it well time for me to chill
and good luck with your leg
90% of the people on my friends list are people i have met in person, post regularly in my journal (at least once or twice a month), or i chat with on IM.
So post. Tell me the story of your apparent leg injury.
Congrats on being clean for 8 years. i have a friend in NA who just finished 5 years.