ugh.. im officaly on workers comp i was injuried in a car accident 2 months ago my back and hip was injuried ie the hipp i just had major hipp reconstuction surgery on.... and my upper back between my shoulders is numb now and my lower back im in pain and have had a pulled lumbar muscle for 1 month now and wont heal... i need to see my orthopedic doc but i cant till my appt on jan 23 i have to wait 2 month to see him he is that booked up i canyt go back to work till im seen by my doc too tho i will start getting workers comp checks i think is what my lawyer was telling me...
ive been doing a good amount of photography recntly too i shot 2 models last week.. and did babie portaits for my good freidns and family pics anywas just have posted anything here in a while just getting everybody up to speed with me and my f-up life
ive been doing a good amount of photography recntly too i shot 2 models last week.. and did babie portaits for my good freidns and family pics anywas just have posted anything here in a while just getting everybody up to speed with me and my f-up life
hope you feel better soon enough and happy holidays.
On the photography that is.
happy holidays.