I'm picking my nose and playing WoW.
Both are like fighting a battle I can never win.
I'm very productive today.
That was a lie.
I want food.
Pinapple and black olives, no cheese.
My armpits smell like garlic cookies.
I'd eat a garlic cookie.
Even a garlic muffin for that matter.
I bet Albie Rock would make tasty garlic muffins.
He probably will now.
Both are like fighting a battle I can never win.
I'm very productive today.
That was a lie.
I want food.
Pinapple and black olives, no cheese.
My armpits smell like garlic cookies.
I'd eat a garlic cookie.
Even a garlic muffin for that matter.
I bet Albie Rock would make tasty garlic muffins.
He probably will now.
that damn castle wasn't big enough for me, and it doesn't fit my room, you know
i was going to buy a bike but im moving in july so it would just be another thing i would have to get rid of. unfortunaly im not takig a whole lot.