So you know those dead sea salt dudes at the mall that try to get you to try their shit out and buy some super expensive dead sea salt scrub? Well, they're annoying and their salty scrub is super expensive, but it still pretty dope nonetheless.
So, I was walking through the natural food store and I had a lightbulb moment. So I got a bunch of sea salt from the bulk foods bin and some lavendar Dr. Bronners soap. Yea, so I mixed that shit up real thick and salty and bam, some dope salty scrub soap. I'm into it.
So, I was walking through the natural food store and I had a lightbulb moment. So I got a bunch of sea salt from the bulk foods bin and some lavendar Dr. Bronners soap. Yea, so I mixed that shit up real thick and salty and bam, some dope salty scrub soap. I'm into it.
salt scrub ingenuity.