I have money, and a job, and a credit card, and no bills or expenses or anything like that, so I decided to pay for this lovely site again. Awesome? Awesome!
I'm going to use this post to introduce myself to people who don't know me, not that they would have any reason to stop by here, but if they do, they do.
I'm Nate. I'm a nature boy. That is, I go outside and hug trees every day. I'm a vegan, not because I think cows and chickens are totally dope and awesome, because let's be honest, cows aren't that cool. I'll shoot you straight, I don't really like them at all. I also don't like unresponsible corporations and my environment being polluted, so I do what I can to not contribute.
I had an awesome bicycle and loved it, and kissed it and hugged it and stuff, but then it died when it fell of the back of my car while going down the highway. I don't like cars. So I sold mine. Now I ride a peice of turd bicycle everywhere and sometimes I take the bus. I'm considering buying a motorcycle or moped. I don't know if I'm tuff enough for a motorcycle or hip enough for a moped, though.
All my friends live far far away. If you like cool people you will like these people Stina, paparyan, and friday. They're my favorites. Also, cheapart is probably the funniest guy ever.
I work at the ol' shopping mall. I walk past the photobooth every day on my way to work and miss my friends. I sell bling bling at a jewelry shop. I guess I'm pretty good at it. It's not really exciting work, but it's super easy. All I do is sell shit, Don't have to worry about much else. It's weird seeing the same mall rats day after day.
enough about me.
Yesterday was my brothers birthday. We went out to a gothy night club and it was fun. He doesn't dance though, so it's kind of weird. I danced a little bit, but I'm not a good dancer, and definitly not a good gothy dancer. It was fun though. Later on I had to drag him in the house. He's kind of heavy.
He's not nearly as heavy as he used to be though. Holy losing 60 pounds of fatness, batman. He eats pretty healthy, and runs every day, and then does situps and stuff. He's not cut or anything yet, but I'm really proud he's taken concern in his health. I wish he was on more of a vegetarian diet. He eats lots of fish and eggs now, and doesn't really eat chicken or cows anymore. So that's good.
Oh yea, he fell through a roof the other day, so no he's really busted and on lots of painkillers and can't work out. I hope he doesn't binge eat out of boredom..
I'm going to use this post to introduce myself to people who don't know me, not that they would have any reason to stop by here, but if they do, they do.
I'm Nate. I'm a nature boy. That is, I go outside and hug trees every day. I'm a vegan, not because I think cows and chickens are totally dope and awesome, because let's be honest, cows aren't that cool. I'll shoot you straight, I don't really like them at all. I also don't like unresponsible corporations and my environment being polluted, so I do what I can to not contribute.
I had an awesome bicycle and loved it, and kissed it and hugged it and stuff, but then it died when it fell of the back of my car while going down the highway. I don't like cars. So I sold mine. Now I ride a peice of turd bicycle everywhere and sometimes I take the bus. I'm considering buying a motorcycle or moped. I don't know if I'm tuff enough for a motorcycle or hip enough for a moped, though.
All my friends live far far away. If you like cool people you will like these people Stina, paparyan, and friday. They're my favorites. Also, cheapart is probably the funniest guy ever.
I work at the ol' shopping mall. I walk past the photobooth every day on my way to work and miss my friends. I sell bling bling at a jewelry shop. I guess I'm pretty good at it. It's not really exciting work, but it's super easy. All I do is sell shit, Don't have to worry about much else. It's weird seeing the same mall rats day after day.
enough about me.
Yesterday was my brothers birthday. We went out to a gothy night club and it was fun. He doesn't dance though, so it's kind of weird. I danced a little bit, but I'm not a good dancer, and definitly not a good gothy dancer. It was fun though. Later on I had to drag him in the house. He's kind of heavy.
He's not nearly as heavy as he used to be though. Holy losing 60 pounds of fatness, batman. He eats pretty healthy, and runs every day, and then does situps and stuff. He's not cut or anything yet, but I'm really proud he's taken concern in his health. I wish he was on more of a vegetarian diet. He eats lots of fish and eggs now, and doesn't really eat chicken or cows anymore. So that's good.
Oh yea, he fell through a roof the other day, so no he's really busted and on lots of painkillers and can't work out. I hope he doesn't binge eat out of boredom..
Please explain further.
I am so sorry to hear.