Biggest news recently is that I saw mc chris in concert again. I love his shows. He's just a big funny nerd and that is totally great. Plus both times I have seen him I have gotten to talk to him briefly and he has been really friendly and down to earth. Like he's still kinda shocked he has a career doing this. And mad props go out to him for his attitude to filesharing. I was going to buy his old CD but he was sold out. And he was like oh yeah sorry we're sold out. So I was like oh no big deal I already have it I was just going to get a copy for my girlfriend here (who was standing next to me). And he's like just burn her a copy. To me that is the best. I mean obviously I was a fan and I mean I was at a concert so obviously I support him but it was still just a great attitude. Its really nice to hear the artists supporting that. And I bought a t shirt and a copy of his new CD so I still helped him out. The venue was terrible though. We were way overfilled and there was no A/C going so we were just sweating bullets. Other than that its pretty much been work and awkward flirting with this girl I like at work so there we go.
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