What was going to be one comic has become 3 different ones that I am currently developing ideas for. Although one of them I'm not sure will work as a comic as well as it would work in another format like a tv series either animated or live action. I think I'm going to go back to school for a bit. Just do the Community College thing to get a few art courses and maybe some creative writing classes as well. I especially want to do photography b/c its always something I've enjoyed. That and film. I think in some ways its why I got into computer science was wanting to know how to create and edit pictures and videos and music digitally but I quit when it turned out to be largely how to write programs I don't care about in languages no one uses anymore for the 'experience'. Regardless of whether or not I get anything out of school again I'm looking forward to deferring my college loans. Right now they are taking half my paycheck and that just doesn't leave enough for all the crap I want to buy myself so I can convince myself that the material goods I surround myself with compensate for my miserable life. 

HOORAY FOR MATERIAL GOODS! And happy belated birthday.
OMG you should go to Montreal, that place is bombed to shit with Graffiti, I couldn't believe it!