Now that I'm playing less WoW I have a ton of video gaming time that has been suddenly freed up. I'm looking to "legally acquire" a few games that I missed the first time around. I just finished up American McGee's Alice and I'll be writing up a review of sorts of it soon. Next up is Portal and after that is Demigod. I'm looking for input as to anything worth checking out. Especially anything that was really really good but widely overlooked. So let me know about the highly underrated hidden gems that I may have missed or just plain good games I should play. I've got the time.
More Blogs
Monday Aug 06, 2007
I so have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I've been alone for so lon… -
Wednesday Jun 13, 2007
I just bought my first even pack of cigarettes. I only smoke occasio… -
Monday May 07, 2007
I'm old enough to rent a car! -
Friday Apr 06, 2007
Well I quit my job and got a new one. I'm a server at Red Lobster no… -
Sunday Feb 04, 2007
Well I'm in Tucson now living in an apartment with my younger brother… -
Thursday Oct 26, 2006
I should probably update this now that there are actually things goin… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
God how sad is this. It's been over a month since I updated and noth… -
Thursday May 04, 2006
For as little as I actually do I'm pretty damn busy. I don't work al… -
Thursday Mar 30, 2006
I officially lose my job in 5 days but its okay because I already sta… -
Friday Mar 03, 2006
Wow I just realized its been so long since I posted that I didn't eve…
sorry - it's pretty much the only game I play - sorry