Now that I'm playing less WoW I have a ton of video gaming time that has been suddenly freed up. I'm looking to "legally acquire" a few games that I missed the first time around. I just finished up American McGee's Alice and I'll be writing up a review of sorts of it soon. Next up is Portal and after that is Demigod. I'm looking for input as to anything worth checking out. Especially anything that was really really good but widely overlooked. So let me know about the highly underrated hidden gems that I may have missed or just plain good games I should play. I've got the time.
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 03, 2010
My new solo band for Rock Band 2 is Leviathanathon. This delights me… -
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
Apparently I've been gone long enough that SG felt like giving me thr… -
Sunday Aug 02, 2009
Nerd Cred++ As part of my continuing quest to increase my overall … -
Tuesday Jul 28, 2009
I played Portal, this is my review of it. This review will contain… -
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
I just finished playing through American McGee's Alice as part of my … -
Monday May 25, 2009
Now that I'm playing less WoW I have a ton of video gaming time that … -
Sunday May 24, 2009
Super long WoW related post cross posted from my other blog. -------… -
Thursday May 07, 2009
Its my birthday. Gifts are accepted in the form of Visa, Mastercard,… -
Tuesday Oct 21, 2008
I'm gonna try to blog. I've never been any good at it (mostly becaus… -
Friday Aug 01, 2008
Well its been a while but I'm back. The biggest news for me is that …
sorry - it's pretty much the only game I play - sorry