I officially lose my job in 5 days but its okay because I already started at another one. I've been really busy because of the increased hours due to closing and the associated increased stress level. Hopefully by next week I'll actually have free time and I'll start participating more again. Or i might just spend all my time watching all the DVDs I picked up for cheap since the store is closing. Monthy Python's Flying Circus in its entirety certainly has the potential to fill some time. Also the job I got is at a Waldenbooks so I'll probably be reading a lot more soon. Currently taking any and all recommendations for good books to check out.
Aw, thank you...

Awe well thanks for taking a minute out of your busy schedual. And I so feel you on the being busy thing...I called in sick today actually. Going to get my friends hood piercing with her then I'm coming back to bed!