This is my black friday update. I was gonna do it yesterday but I was too tired to think real well. For anyone who doesn't know I work at the mall and as such Black Friday is the suck. Tons of people wanting great deals and being generally annoying. Of course I had to work and work a decently long shift right in the middle of the day so I was not looking forward to it. Fortunately I got to avoid most of the work. First I got to fix a broken register and flex my geek muscles. I took it totally apart and changed out the one broken fuse that was preventing it from working and put it all back together. Wasn't really all that hard but since no one I work with is tech savvy they were all suitably impressed. Plus I prefer machines to humans quite often (especially the kind of humans who shop at malls). By the time I was done with that things were a bit slower but I did some good selling and yeah basically actually had a decent Black Friday. Today was pretty good until I was closing and some idiot woman was taking forever to check out after we were already closed but hadn't pulled the gate yet. Then a bunch of equipment broke but whatever I can deal with that later. Tomorrow in fact.
Awww, thanks for the booby compliment 

Hooray I'm bookmarked