January is the longest month ever. 5 to last until Wednesday. How do I manage to screw up my cash so badly every month?! At least it shows I'm consistent!
Rode out this weekend and managed 79 miles. To reitterate; Bikes Rock.
This week I'm stoked for:
Seeing 'The Academy is...' and 'Panic! At The Disco' on thursday night
Seeing 'Lyrics Born'
Recieving my...
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Rode out this weekend and managed 79 miles. To reitterate; Bikes Rock.
This week I'm stoked for:
Seeing 'The Academy is...' and 'Panic! At The Disco' on thursday night
Seeing 'Lyrics Born'
Recieving my...
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New favourite SG photo is here
Best news of the day; my The Academy Is... tickets on the 27th of Jan are blessed with the support of Panic At The Disco!
F-ing A.
Best news of the day; my The Academy Is... tickets on the 27th of Jan are blessed with the support of Panic At The Disco!
F-ing A.
Why is it that the biggest brands seem to have such clueless fools working for them? I spent most of this week working on a site for a well known lingerie company. Todays pitch went well and we're in, but the conversation with the mentally challenged rep was a painful experience. Small companies have less kudos but seem to have more passionate, knowledgeable staff. Just...
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Seriously, Shakira has released 'Oral fixation Volume 2' . <<Smirk>> Don't bother downloading it. Its music. Of a kind.
In other news, (if you're in London) the National Portrait gallery has the annual schwepps exhibition on which is work a looksee and seeing as the work Christmas party season is on us Fire And Stone will spin you a good Pizza out of the norm....
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In other news, (if you're in London) the National Portrait gallery has the annual schwepps exhibition on which is work a looksee and seeing as the work Christmas party season is on us Fire And Stone will spin you a good Pizza out of the norm....
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Nughhh... random stuff... jeez
Ok, Panic! At The Disco has taken up a really anoying place in my brain. I ended up sketching a 'shotgun wedding'... A wedding between two shotguns...veil and bullet confefetti, their leather straps entwined in an embrace at the altar simply because I'd heard the lyric so many times. Brain encroachment I tell thee!
This week:
Beta launched the worst website I've ever been involved in
Drunk too much and tore open the past on the phone to a friend
Found out about My Chemical Romance playing london on their last day... couldn't find a ticket for love nor kisses
Actually felt alive for a day after geeking-out neck deep in code
Refused to take their pills to make...
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Beta launched the worst website I've ever been involved in
Drunk too much and tore open the past on the phone to a friend
Found out about My Chemical Romance playing london on their last day... couldn't find a ticket for love nor kisses
Actually felt alive for a day after geeking-out neck deep in code
Refused to take their pills to make...
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hi noticed you like inme (mainly because i ran a serch to find if anyones heard of them round here) but cool! you seen them live?
yeah ran it in 2 hours 09. Thirty minutes slower than Page 3 'stunner' Nell McAndrew (who was taking is steady as is pregnant. Time to burn the running shoes.
All healed now from the inking so I'll post some pictures of my half shaved chest glory...
This weekend is the great North run, why did I get injured a week before the event? This could be one painful run but only three days at work next week before a well earned two week holiday in Italy. It rocks to be me.
This weekend is the great North run, why did I get injured a week before the event? This could be one painful run but only three days at work next week before a well earned two week holiday in Italy. It rocks to be me.
French Thomas was let loose on me again last night. 4 hours under his needle was the pleasure it always is. Very pleased with the result which is another 2 inches of neo-maori across my chest and shoulder and some long needed (yet light-head-inducingly-painful) underarm work.
And who was in the chair next to me? Keith Flint from The Prodigy, getting a fetching touch up...
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And who was in the chair next to me? Keith Flint from The Prodigy, getting a fetching touch up...
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intregued by tattoos so just had to check out MR X's craftmanship - very good, very good indeed! Thoroughly impressed by French Thomas too!! Man - where did you find these guys!! Wow - can I say it again? thanks - WOW!
Come and say hello - wanna know what your all about!! hahaha
[Edited on Sep 06, 2005 3:02PM]
intregued by tattoos so just had to check out MR X's craftmanship - very good, very good indeed! Thoroughly impressed by French Thomas too!! Man - where did you find these guys!! Wow - can I say it again? thanks - WOW!
Come and say hello - wanna know what your all about!! hahaha
[Edited on Sep 06, 2005 3:02PM]
Things I see and sketch