~~~***~~~***~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~my stomache is absolutely killing me.
and with winter i've become an absolute terror to myself, and thereby, probably to others.
i need to escape this endless cold that is tainting my brain. my arab blood craves dry heat and sand, but my morbid heart needs the darkness and the rain.
if the heart wins, i may very well do away with myself. the weather has its way with my biochemistry and it wins out every time.
you'd think it would be easy for me to just pack my bags and leave, but here i have the perfect job, the perfect living situation, and the endless resources of a state university. then again, i also have a crippling sadness that the weather only worsens.
if i didn't need the music and i didn't need the art......i'd move out to the desert in a heartbeat.
new york has always been the ideal, but the winters there aren't that much better.
france would be my second option.
i don't know where i'll end up.
i guess i'll just stay here.
ps Hell, yes I'll cook for you. I learn a lot everytime I do it. I was telling Indie how much cooking relaxes me, meanwhile I'm running around the kitchen like a mental patient, sweating and dropping stuff. It's turned out pretty good though.
[Edited on Mar 07, 2003]
good stay there
and make pretty art