why am i such a tard?
by: the a_N_tenna
all that being around him serves to do is make me self-conscious, robotic, terse and apprehensive.
i don't wonder why these things happen, because i already know, i merely i think its absurd that they do. i nearly broke out into tears in the middle of class today at my inability to be a half normal person with him around.
so....how in hell am i supposed to work up the nerve to talk to him? drink before class? or maybe i can continue to take those pills the 'professionals' think i need, but the price for that is the
of my sanity.
why are all of my frards in relationships when i can't even so much as say hi to this stupid fuck that's making me so uncomfortable?
why has the smiths' "i know its over suddenly become my swan song'...my credo?
you all are mental health professionals...enlighten me.
by: the a_N_tenna
all that being around him serves to do is make me self-conscious, robotic, terse and apprehensive.
i don't wonder why these things happen, because i already know, i merely i think its absurd that they do. i nearly broke out into tears in the middle of class today at my inability to be a half normal person with him around.
so....how in hell am i supposed to work up the nerve to talk to him? drink before class? or maybe i can continue to take those pills the 'professionals' think i need, but the price for that is the
of my sanity.
why are all of my frards in relationships when i can't even so much as say hi to this stupid fuck that's making me so uncomfortable?
why has the smiths' "i know its over suddenly become my swan song'...my credo?
you all are mental health professionals...enlighten me.
your new mantra:
"i'm fuct, he's fuct, we should talk"