so, like, mmkay, i have several things to be mucho psyched about right now:
my friend g agreed to take some of my photos for me, so now this frees me from all the restrictions imposed from having to do it myself (no, not naked or pornogrphic photos, get yer mind outta the gutter)...i have a whole bunch of ideas...if you have a noose i can borrow, let me know.
i just got a new digital camera today. not as cumbersome as the other one, which wasn't really mine anyway.
i have been craving ice cream sundaes, and tomorrow erin and i will go to a really rad ice cream shop to have monster sundaes, cha-ching
am teaching myself photoshop 7
there's gonna be an event at my school called 'women speak-out' that is looking for submission proposals, and the collages i began doing about 2 weeks ago are perfect for it, so i hope they accept my proposal and stuff.
will see c on friday, who i hardly see cause she goes to a really tough competitive school and is therefore glued to her books (unlike me)
a really sweet cute girl in one of my classes just started spontaneously talking to me, and needed to borrow the course packet from me, and when she brought it back today she brought me some gummi bears. she is so lovely.
plus we have a new assistant mananger at work who is pretty young (like my age) and super-cool. i'm sure they're gonna get rid of her soon cause she socialises with me and i'm a troublemaker there. i think i'm attracted to her too and she seems to like me but maybe not (?). but i'm a heterosexual, i swear, right? i mean, c'mon...
ok thats like it. no, there's more, but my therapist has a gag order on me pertaining to the rest...
my friend g agreed to take some of my photos for me, so now this frees me from all the restrictions imposed from having to do it myself (no, not naked or pornogrphic photos, get yer mind outta the gutter)...i have a whole bunch of ideas...if you have a noose i can borrow, let me know.
i just got a new digital camera today. not as cumbersome as the other one, which wasn't really mine anyway.
i have been craving ice cream sundaes, and tomorrow erin and i will go to a really rad ice cream shop to have monster sundaes, cha-ching
am teaching myself photoshop 7
there's gonna be an event at my school called 'women speak-out' that is looking for submission proposals, and the collages i began doing about 2 weeks ago are perfect for it, so i hope they accept my proposal and stuff.
will see c on friday, who i hardly see cause she goes to a really tough competitive school and is therefore glued to her books (unlike me)
a really sweet cute girl in one of my classes just started spontaneously talking to me, and needed to borrow the course packet from me, and when she brought it back today she brought me some gummi bears. she is so lovely.
plus we have a new assistant mananger at work who is pretty young (like my age) and super-cool. i'm sure they're gonna get rid of her soon cause she socialises with me and i'm a troublemaker there. i think i'm attracted to her too and she seems to like me but maybe not (?). but i'm a heterosexual, i swear, right? i mean, c'mon...
ok thats like it. no, there's more, but my therapist has a gag order on me pertaining to the rest...
I envy your metabolism. Seriously, it would make my life so much simpler...
well, must go to the far away places my mind and happiness has gone, those places aren't on the computer, ya know?