Saturday Jan 18, 2003 Jan 18, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email John Cusacks say the darndest things! VIEW 21 of 21 COMMENTS throatneedle: You are very dramatic! How very 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' of you! I love you too boo! Jan 19, 2003 johncocktoastin: i was in chicago last march! i loved it. we were possibly going to move there, but it didn't work out w/ my bf's grad school app. so competitive, that art institute!! o well... Jan 19, 2003
How very 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' of you!
I love you too boo!
i loved it. we were possibly going to move there, but it didn't work out w/ my bf's grad school app. so competitive, that art institute!! o well...