-nothing cool on eBay fits. THis dress.
lovely. but way too big. this jacket- i WILL get it. and get it tailored. i find it all so ironic that the clothes that come up under the keyword 'twiggy' would never have actually fit the real twiggy. if they had perhaps i'd have a shot at finding something that fitz.
-i gonna move. i hopes sooner than later. i don't know where. it'll all be decided (hopefully) when i return from my trip. i'm just too afraid of being homeless and broke. well in winter anyway. maybe i'll just throw in tha towel say fuck it and leave.
-stagnancy...ugh!!! i think i'm going to go out of my mind, if i haven't already. i don't think it'll be too soon before i begin muttering nonsensical pseudo-threats to no one in particular in public. either that or run down canal street with my hands cupped over the balls i don't have whilst yelling expletives at light poles.
-i do not understand these icons--->>

what do they mean?
Don't forget - www.esnipe.com
This is the secret weapon for acquiring eBay stuff.
Good luck!
Of course it's a monkey! Does a hamster say "oooaaa?"