1. i am nervous. i've finally decided that its time to begin trying to get some of my work shown, like in a gallery, but my friend who was supposed to go with me saturday had to bail. i called two other friends who will hopefully be able to go this week. it's fucking scary for me- i've never just approached someone cold about this type of thing.
2. i'm going crazy not working and living off my savings, but if i look for another job now i won't be able to travel in august. i'm just about ready to throw in the towel on travel and just get another job (technically i have one already but its over til septmber or so). i also have the opportunity to go to morocco, but then that would mean no NYC or LA. hmmm...
3. its hot and humid here. i continue to feel mildly ill and the heat is making it worse. i wish i knew what it was.
4. name the song, and the band that penned it, from which these lyrics are. no cheating and using google or your friends to find out. that's not the point...
mother mary had a son
whose days were spent on having fun
then one day she got a letter
you could make yourself feel better
mother mary had a man who heals with healing hands
millions of boys play dead
that's it...oh wait, no. i'm going to hell. but first, i need to make some indian food.
one of my favorite bands, the dismemberment plan, dismembers...and i miss it. i knew months in advance theyd be here on the 19th but as the date approached i forgot. pardon me while i go sit in the corner and cry now.
2. i'm going crazy not working and living off my savings, but if i look for another job now i won't be able to travel in august. i'm just about ready to throw in the towel on travel and just get another job (technically i have one already but its over til septmber or so). i also have the opportunity to go to morocco, but then that would mean no NYC or LA. hmmm...
3. its hot and humid here. i continue to feel mildly ill and the heat is making it worse. i wish i knew what it was.
4. name the song, and the band that penned it, from which these lyrics are. no cheating and using google or your friends to find out. that's not the point...
mother mary had a son
whose days were spent on having fun
then one day she got a letter
you could make yourself feel better
mother mary had a man who heals with healing hands
millions of boys play dead
that's it...oh wait, no. i'm going to hell. but first, i need to make some indian food.

one of my favorite bands, the dismemberment plan, dismembers...and i miss it. i knew months in advance theyd be here on the 19th but as the date approached i forgot. pardon me while i go sit in the corner and cry now.

wrong, frard. wrong. 

can't remember the last time I ranted about NWH but I'm sure it wasn't that long ago... but yes, I meant the African-American gentlemen who wear the Hats. I got to meet them, Tasty Taste liked my muthafuckin hat! baow!