edward scissorhands as a ballet was amazing. not only did they get permission to use huge pieces of the danny elfman score (mmmmm.....) the alternative forms of dancing they had to use to accomodate the scissorhands attachments were great. i'd never seen a male dancer do a lift with a female dancer using only his forearms!

anyway very cool to have gotten to see this....
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awesome awesome.... great thing happened tonight.... met a total hotty at the hooka bar up in u-district.... we will see how things progress...
well 3 weeks in & i'm still in love with my apartment. kinda glad erin backed out. neighborhood is fun (pizza, record stores, cafes, bars, bookstores, oh my!) people are friendly. building is quiet (i think i'm probably the noisiest person... i KNOW there's only one other person who comes home as late as i do!)

not missing cable tv - yet. cat's haven't driven...
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so i'm back - and so are my pics...

hopefully soon there will be even more newer corset pics... i've had that thing for quite a while and tragically every time i wear it there are no pictures taken.

that must change.

hopefully this site's picked up again - it got awfully quiet and commercial.
they finally fixed my favorites! i can see them all & edit them and everything... whoo hoo! good job SG-IT!

last nights event didn't end quite like we wanted - the group i wanted to see got bumped cause the ones in front of them were running late. how very inconsiderate of the first group... oh well, next weekend it is!

and, for the record,...
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i know that no one cares... i'm posting this anyway! (saw a shirt today that said 'no one cares about your blog' - loved it!)

i found the perfect black & white stripey shirt that i've been looking for for ages! long sleeves so i can tuck my hands in, sexy cut, soft as hell, gorgeous on, thin enough i can comfortably wear it under...
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so i've noticed that if you remove most of the controversial stuff in your profile no one online talks to you... wonder why that is?

so it's either fend off the trolls who come crawling if you mention you're into bdsm OR not get any contact whatsoever. tough call.

and where the hell can i find a black skirt in Seattle that will go well with my black satin corset???? i'd prefer shorter than my usual ankle length but really, just something that works well with it

any ideas, anyone?? i'm not petite so something tells me the skirts at hot topic won't exactly cover, um, anything
and Bumbershoot was a nightmare of people and cars... had a blast with Erin, got to see two bands i'd never seen and i liked.

AFI was wonderful except the barbie-doll-HELL i got stuck in when i tried to get to the pit. the pit SHOULD have been where i was... but no, i could see the adult AFI punk fans from where i was...
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