i have no words for how wonderful i feel right now! okay, maybe a few.
just got back from the Neil Gaiman reading/signing thing... i had so so so much fun & it was so awesome! his intro was funny, his reading was absolutely brilliant, the q&a was good. then the 2 hour wait to get him to sign our stuff. and, despite that his hand had to have been numb & he hadn't moved from that chair in 2 straight hours & 500 people (at least) he smiled at me, had a bit of a chat & signed the book - and seemed happy to be there.
and i got it all on film... well, sorta. used the video portion of my new digital camera. so i have the entire reading - however i couldn't get it to zoom & focus so he's kinda little (really little) but the sound quality worked well (it was in a church so sound carried nicely)
he signed my Death: High Cost of Living book!!! i'm so happy... the little saying he wrote was 'don't die' - cute.

just got back from the Neil Gaiman reading/signing thing... i had so so so much fun & it was so awesome! his intro was funny, his reading was absolutely brilliant, the q&a was good. then the 2 hour wait to get him to sign our stuff. and, despite that his hand had to have been numb & he hadn't moved from that chair in 2 straight hours & 500 people (at least) he smiled at me, had a bit of a chat & signed the book - and seemed happy to be there.

and i got it all on film... well, sorta. used the video portion of my new digital camera. so i have the entire reading - however i couldn't get it to zoom & focus so he's kinda little (really little) but the sound quality worked well (it was in a church so sound carried nicely)
he signed my Death: High Cost of Living book!!! i'm so happy... the little saying he wrote was 'don't die' - cute.