i felt very loved this year. last year only my parents, ollie & my EX boyfriend remembered the birthday.
this year however my phone didn't stop ringing on Thursday with calls & voice messages of singing & text messages... and myspace messages & a couple of wonderful SG messages. and emails. AND then everyone came out to dance & drink with me... Read More
happy birthday... sorry I couldn't make it tonight but I do have work... might just pop in to say hi if not remember I was atleast thinking it if possible. hope it goes/went well and I will catch ya later I suppose.
haven't been here in a while... not really much going on... might not renew my membership when it's up. haven't decided. i like the site. but i'm not really browsing the porn as often as i did... and i already live on myspace (creepy though it is there)...
well, he didn't deny me... but he didn't send an email to talk either, just added me.
and, viewing his blog, he's still an arrogant prick about some things... *sigh* guess no one's perfect... okay, from now on i'll strive to use better grammar, at least on myspace.
did V for Vendetta again - that was fun... caught some things I missed the first time...
finding random people from my past on myspace... it really is a small world and EVERYONE really has a page. some people i'm very eager to add. and found one i DESPERATELY want to add but I'm not sure if he'd be amenable. i miss talking to him,... Read More
V for Vendetta was awesome! and got to see it at the Cinerama downtown so it was big & comfy chairs & wonderful...
dinner for ollie last night was great - ended up being a girls night out (cause all the boys played the 'not enough money' crap on us) but it was still a blast....
hopefully moving in the next month or two: anyone... Read More