I think im all set for the party tomorow night, I have my outfit almost complete (brown skirt with stripy tights, cream top and brown cord jacket, black bag or pink bag? hmm) oh and how could i forget my dolly shoes, the most important part of the outfit. (although they kill my feet)
I put my lip ring in all by myself (first time ever!!) Im so proud
I'm also getting my hair cut tomorow morning, debating over a fringe at the moment but I'll probably not go for that. Going to get it all short and neat again.
I realised the most annoying thing, I have an appointment with my therapist tomorow afternoon which'll give me only 2 hours to get ready for the party!!
I'm actually really nervous though.
I'll take some photos of my outfit tomorow and my hair cut.
I put my lip ring in all by myself (first time ever!!) Im so proud

I'm also getting my hair cut tomorow morning, debating over a fringe at the moment but I'll probably not go for that. Going to get it all short and neat again.
I realised the most annoying thing, I have an appointment with my therapist tomorow afternoon which'll give me only 2 hours to get ready for the party!!

I'll take some photos of my outfit tomorow and my hair cut.

You have some pretty cool cool lip wear.
how was the party??? i bet you looked cool in your outfit, i wanna see some pics
i just got back from tattoo parlour, its lookin fuckin ace i should have some pics up asap just waitin for the email off katt cos there all on her camera! u should check it out. well .......erm......
talk soon