Sorry for the lack of updates. I find this site is really slow on my computer so I usually dont bother with it. Also my computer wont let me onto Myspace so if anybodies messaged me I'm sorry for not getting back to you. Stupid computer.
I havent really done anything worth writing about
I'm hoping to do an art history or art and design course online in the near future, if i can get the funding. My outreach worker found a site where you can do loads of different art based courses all through the post and online! its amazing. the only downside is that it costs around 500 for a 10 month course. but she says we can get funding, so *fingers crossed*
I've so screwed up with money this month. Im so skint and its my own fault for buying trousers from America (made by Tripp, bondage trousers WOO!!!) I've had to use my savings to pay for food which really sucks because I was saving it for a holiday or something good like that.
Everyone in my family is getting ingadged! my mum, my dad and my brother. Thats going to be alot of weddings next year!!
I've started doing a tae-bo workout tape in hope to loose some weight before christmas. I hope it works.
I've made a goal for myself, well alot of goals actually. First one is to loose 6lbs and I'll treat myself by getting a hair cut. I cant wait to get it cut, i'm going to a short and spiky number and as soon as its done I'm going to bleach it all and dye it bright pink. cant wait.
Miss you all.
I havent really done anything worth writing about

I'm hoping to do an art history or art and design course online in the near future, if i can get the funding. My outreach worker found a site where you can do loads of different art based courses all through the post and online! its amazing. the only downside is that it costs around 500 for a 10 month course. but she says we can get funding, so *fingers crossed*
I've so screwed up with money this month. Im so skint and its my own fault for buying trousers from America (made by Tripp, bondage trousers WOO!!!) I've had to use my savings to pay for food which really sucks because I was saving it for a holiday or something good like that.
Everyone in my family is getting ingadged! my mum, my dad and my brother. Thats going to be alot of weddings next year!!
I've started doing a tae-bo workout tape in hope to loose some weight before christmas. I hope it works.
I've made a goal for myself, well alot of goals actually. First one is to loose 6lbs and I'll treat myself by getting a hair cut. I cant wait to get it cut, i'm going to a short and spiky number and as soon as its done I'm going to bleach it all and dye it bright pink. cant wait.
Miss you all.
I LOVE Tripp so I feel your pain