I've been playing with my hair again. It went from Tropical Green, to Blonde/yellow, then to grey/blue and then back to Spring Green. Heres the pic...
Havent been up to very much.
Going out tomorow night to see Dragster (http://www.myspace.com/dragstersuicide) at a local venue for a fiver!! couldnt believe our luck. I'll get some pictures no doubt.

Havent been up to very much.
Going out tomorow night to see Dragster (http://www.myspace.com/dragstersuicide) at a local venue for a fiver!! couldnt believe our luck. I'll get some pictures no doubt.
sorry i have been utterly poopy pants at getting this update thing going. i ahve just had soooo much work to do for college and stuffs, sorry.
sooo what you been up to missy, apart from getting your to beautiful shades of green, and beautiful they are too.
as i say i have been doing lots of the college work, and ive been working at lego too, still.....thats all i have done, i fear i am seriously boring at the moment, hope your up to much better things than me anyways.
lots of loves.