I got a new piercing today
very happy with it despite it being swollen and bruised. Its an anti-eyebrow. Oooohh...
Hope it doesnt reject. I'll post the pictures up once I've finished writing this.
We're drinking tonight.. oh the shame, its only Thursday.
We're playing 3 songs each and taking it in turns.. playing some old stuff.
I have a new found love for Riot Girls and everything it stands for!
I've also gone back to my early teenage years by dying my hair green
I've put on soo much weight from being in hospital
its not good! But I'm going to start going back to the gym real soon. Just dont expect many pictures from me at the moment.
We got an amazing three disc Buzzcocks set today! Its awesome. And it was all because I heard one of their songs in the movie Ghost World, an excellent movie.

Hope it doesnt reject. I'll post the pictures up once I've finished writing this.
We're drinking tonight.. oh the shame, its only Thursday.
We're playing 3 songs each and taking it in turns.. playing some old stuff.
I have a new found love for Riot Girls and everything it stands for!
I've also gone back to my early teenage years by dying my hair green

I've put on soo much weight from being in hospital

We got an amazing three disc Buzzcocks set today! Its awesome. And it was all because I heard one of their songs in the movie Ghost World, an excellent movie.
i know its been ages since we last spoke, ive not been up to much really, back at college studying multimedia design, training to be a tattooist on the side too, had a bit more ink done thats about it really though.
its good to have you back around,