Well the weekends nearly over and i am at college again on monday
I am a bit tired still at the moment but i am excited and still awaiting news form SG ill be excited lol until i hear something
i have my fingers crossed about this set xxx and i have brainstormed ideas for future sets xxx
thanks to everyone who wished me luck ill let you all know well im sure you all will find out if the sets accepted lol xxxx
and i aint thinkin negative at this precise moment in time 

I am a bit tired still at the moment but i am excited and still awaiting news form SG ill be excited lol until i hear something

thanks to everyone who wished me luck ill let you all know well im sure you all will find out if the sets accepted lol xxxx

how longs it normally take for an applicant to be notified about their set? xxx
Hello I just talked to u on myspace ha I dont kow which one I <3 more this or that!!!