Due to the actions and slander of various SG's and members i feel i no longer wish to be on here anymore.
I do not need the stress or verbal abuse from people that do not know me, i will not become the person you are saying i am.
I am me, and i am a nice person with respect for other people.
I did merely defend myself, but on here thats an excuse for a gang bullying session (i am a counsellor i help bully victims too and words are weapons you must choose them wisely or you WILL end up killing somebody)
I admit i am not perfect, i make mistakes, dont we all however i did not mention or advertise any adult sites on here, anarchie suicide saw my myspace.
I do not wish to discuss it. I have too much respect for SG to discuss any of it to state facts and stop the abuse.
i justified myself- thats all i have done.
This is the last thing i am saying so i may aswell make it clear, i have read too many posts here where people are visciously pulling other people down and always "WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO"
I am not saying i am better i am not saying i am worse, i am me.
I like helpin people as opposed to ripping them to shreads or spreading abuse and slander.
So judge me when you actually know me as i am leaving to help people now.
Good luck with your lives and take care.
but please think before you speak, not everyone is as tolerant as me. (even with an anxiety disorder)
sad to leave my friends but bye xxx
also- theres nothing wrong with commenting your own journals, are none of you literal deviants?
I do not need the stress or verbal abuse from people that do not know me, i will not become the person you are saying i am.
I am me, and i am a nice person with respect for other people.
I did merely defend myself, but on here thats an excuse for a gang bullying session (i am a counsellor i help bully victims too and words are weapons you must choose them wisely or you WILL end up killing somebody)
I admit i am not perfect, i make mistakes, dont we all however i did not mention or advertise any adult sites on here, anarchie suicide saw my myspace.
I do not wish to discuss it. I have too much respect for SG to discuss any of it to state facts and stop the abuse.
i justified myself- thats all i have done.
This is the last thing i am saying so i may aswell make it clear, i have read too many posts here where people are visciously pulling other people down and always "WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO"
I am not saying i am better i am not saying i am worse, i am me.
I like helpin people as opposed to ripping them to shreads or spreading abuse and slander.
So judge me when you actually know me as i am leaving to help people now.
Good luck with your lives and take care.
but please think before you speak, not everyone is as tolerant as me. (even with an anxiety disorder)

also- theres nothing wrong with commenting your own journals, are none of you literal deviants?
Anarchie said:
Do you know what would be better? If you didn't link your myspace page on SG that has advertisments for your own rivel to SG on it...
But you did rectify it, which is good. That issue blocking you from becoming an SG was sorted out months ago. I'm sad you feel you have to leave the community, because it doesn't appear from my perspective like anyone was bullying you- rather trying to give you advice, which you took in a rather defensive way.
Many SGs suffer from anxiety, mood and mental disorders. Including myself. We all understand what it's like.
I'm sorry if I upset you, I was genuinely trying to help. I'm sorry if it did not come off as such.
Best of luck in your modelling career,