Matthew friggin' Mcconaughey.
Well there is an answer I never expected what about you.
When I first read @lyamoon bloghomework assignment I was like hmmmmm.... who am I most like character wise. First I thought of Rory from Gilmore Girl's played by Alexis Bledel.
I always felt my mom and I embodied this show's mother daughter relationship.
Then I thought, if I am like any character I am a bad ass like Beth, one of the few character's in the hostel saga that not only kicked ass, but took vengeance taking part in the elite hunting club played by Lauren German.
But in the end, I turned to google, and google paired me up with Mr. Mcconaughey. I am described as a hippie at heart who loves the beach and would prefer swim trunks over a designer suit any day. And while you're whimsical musings may confuse the heck out of your friends, you always know exactly what you mean. Break out those bongo drums!
That actually fits me quite well. Good job internet, you know me better than myself today!
So tell me, what was your choice for this @bloghomework assignment from @missy @rambo @lyxzen!