What is, is... in the olden days (and in some stores today but not many) they had employees push your cart out for you and help you put your groceries in your automobile then bring the cart back to the store themselves for a tip. Once that began phasing out, people who were used to having everything done for them and where too incompetent/lazy/spoiled to begin doing this themselves just left their carts right there. It began to be a problem so they hired cart collectors to go out and pick up the carts (like you see at walmart) so the customers learned the mindset of "i don't have to put my cart away, the cart collector will do it for me, it's their job". Then THOSE stubborn people used to having everything done for them had children, then their kids learned to do the same thing from watching their parents actions while growing up and never got taught the value of initiative, common sense, and not burdening other people with your mess by cleaning up after yourself. VERY few people today have the manners to care about how their actions affect other people and go out of their way do things to be courteous. The majority has been raised to think "Someone else will do it for me" and do not give a second thought about how leaving a mess will inconvenience someone else.

What IT is** not "what is is" lol woops.